Call for Submissions: Pathways from Homelessness 2023


HH2023 Homepage header background image - CVENTPathway is ready to accept submissions for the 11th International Conference of the Faculty for Homeless and Inclusion Health, due to take place in-person in London on 15 and 16 March 2023.

Colleagues are encouraged to submit proposals and ideas for 30-minute sessions to be presented at the 2023 Conference. The Conference will focus on Integration for Inclusion Health – reflecting the shifts in the health and social care system flowing from the creation of Integrated Care Systems in England’s NHS this year.

At Pathway, we’re particularly interested in the opportunities for improvement Integrated Care Systems may offer to help us address the challenges faced by inclusion health groups and those working in inclusion health. As ever, we welcome papers on all topics of relevance to inclusion health, reflecting latest thinking and practice. This year we particularly encourage submissions presenting new work on the following topics:

  • Self-discharge and absconding from hospital – why does it happen, and what might be good practice for dealing with it?
  • Ongoing support – maintaining recovery and providing stability in the community.
  • The revolving door of A&E – what does a good response for people with multiple and complex needs look like?
  • How can physical and mental health services work better together for people with multiple needs?
  • Improving data gathering and sharing – tackling the invisibility of inclusion health groups in population health, and making specific groups and health needs more visible.
  • Upstream prevention of homelessness – how can health and social care services prevent homelessness, and help to prevent its reoccurrence?

We encourage you to be creative with your submissions: as ever, we welcome strong, research/evidence-based papers, but also ideas for interactive workshops or sessions that test a training idea. We equally welcome qualitative and story-based presentations, insights from front-line services and from people with lived experience of homelessness or exclusion.

We’re happy for sessions/presentations to incorporate a range of media and formats. We want all delegates to feel free to communicate their experiences and ideas in a way that suits their interests, skills and passions.

How to submit

Submissions should outline in max. 250 words your plan for a 30-minute session.

Deadline: Friday 16th September 2021.

All submissions will be reviewed by the organising committee and people selected to present at the conference will be notified by the end of October.

Support available

The organising committee are keen to support anyone (especially Experts by Experience) who would like help when preparing their proposal. If you would like advice or some informal mentoring with your submission, please email for more information.

Please submit your presentation using the form below.

  • 0 of 3000 max characters
  • Please upload your 250 word outline here in pdf or word format (pdf, doc, docx) along with any accompanying images (jpeg, jpg, png)
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, png.
  • Please make sure you are happy with these before submitting 1. Policy Review Projects Ltd may record my presentation on film, tape, disk or other forms of media. 2. My name, voice, likeness, and biographic or other information may be used by Policy Review Projects Ltd in connection with my presentation and/or recording. Copies of any visual aids and other materials used or provided by me may be made and distributed by Policy Review Projects Ltd in connection with the presentation. 3. I grant to Policy Review Projects Ltd on a nonexclusive basis the right to reproduce, distribute, display, and provide recordings of my presentation and presentation materials, in whole or in part, as well as my name, voice, and likeness, by means of the Internet, via physical media, and through photographic images. 4. To the extent my presentation or presentation materials are protected by copyright law, I reserve those rights to myself except as granted above. 5. The presentation and presentation materials are my own original material for which I have full authority to grant the rights set forth in this Consent and Release Form. 6. The rights set forth in this Consent and Release Form are granted on a royalty free and irrevocable basis.